Community Update July 2024

July 18, 2024
Check out our Mount Polley Community Update! We’re excited to share the newest developments at Mount Polley Mine, includes recent activities, ongoing projects, and community events. Stay informed and engaged with our progress and init… Read more »

Mount Polley Honoured with Jake McDonald Annual Reclamation Award

October 16, 2023
🌿 Celebrating Excellence in Reclamation: Mount Polley Mining Corporation and Habitat Remediation Working Group Honoured with Jake McDonald Annual Reclamation Award 🌿 Imperial Metals is pleased to share that on September 20, 2023, Mou… Read more »

Community Update Q3 2022

February 13, 2023
Salmon Watch For the second year in a row, significant numbers of adult Sockeye Salmon have been observed using the reconstructed habitat in the lower reaches of Hazeltine and Edney Creeks. Peak observations were made in mid September wit… Read more »

September Sockeye Salmon Run

December 16, 2022
This season we witnessed a great Salmon Run in Hazeltine Creek. Mount Polley’s environmental team along with the support of our environmental consultants at Minnow Environmental have continued to monitor use of the constructed creek ha… Read more »

Community Update Q2 2022

December 2, 2022
A letter from the Mount Polley team Everyone at Mount Polley Mine has been busy commissioning the mill and preparing the mine for full scale operations.  We are at full production mining in the pit, stockpiling materials for future mi… Read more »

Trout Spawning Activity in Hazeltine Creek at its Highest since 2019

August 3, 2022
Mount Polley is pleased to report there has been an increase in the number of adult rainbow trout and in spawning activity in Hazeltine Creek. Mount Polley completed a series of annual surveys to count individual adult rainbow trout using t… Read more »

Hazeltine Creek Remediation Wildlife Monitoring Plan Update

October 13, 2021
A Wildlife Monitoring Plan has been implemented in the Hazeltine Creek corridor, utilizing wildlife cameras to build an inventory of animals that are using the corridor to support local wildlife studies. Environmental monitoring prog… Read more »

September site tour with the Habitat Remediation Working Group

October 14, 2020
The remediation of Hazeltine Creek has been planned and advanced through the direct collaboration of Mount Polley mine employees, government agencies, First Nations and their technical advisors. This collective is called the Habitat… Read more »
Soda Creek Indian Band tour

Remediation continues at Mount Polley Mine site

October 14, 2020
Please check out this write-up by the Soda Creek First Nations on the remediation work being done at Mount Polley and the tour completed by South Creek Indian Band (SCIB). Remediation continues at Mt Polley Mine site (PDF)… Read more »
Site tour of Quesnel lake

Experts recommend leaving tailings in Quesnel Lake

September 17, 2020
Lately we have received questions about the water quality at Quesnel Lake, so here are a few Q&A’s which address this subject. First, what it means to conduct remediation? According to the BC Environmental Management Act, “remediati… Read more »
Collecting spawning Rainbow Trout from Hazeltine Creek. This was a challenge as the new fish habitat was vast and the fish had lots of places to hide! [May 2018]

Mount Polley built and managed an on-site fish hatchery in 2018

August 21, 2020
After the spill, a population monitoring program on Polley Lake indicated there had probably been a reduction in the age class of the population of Rainbow Trout (as upper Hazeltine Creek was the main spawning area for these trout). There w… Read more »
Dr. 'Lyn Anglin

Mount Polley Remediation Leader Named CIM Distinguished Lecturer

July 9, 2020
Imperial congratulations to Dr. ‘Lyn Anglin on being named a recipient of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum’s (CIM) Distinguished Lecturer award.  The CIM Awards honour the mining industry’s “finest for… Read more »
Hazeltine Creek, October 2019

Major milestones of Mount Polley’s environmental remediation efforts to date

April 21, 2020
The remediation effort at Mount Polley is ongoing; however, we are very proud of the major milestones that have been completed to-date. Repair of lower Edney Creek, re-establishment of link to Quesnel Lake and installation of new fish hab… Read more »
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Staying connected to the community during Mount Polley’s remediation

April 7, 2020
Did you know that over the past six years, over 39 community meetings have been organized and hosted by Mount Polley management and environmental staff? Mount Polley is committed to the environment and to ensuring the community is kept up t… Read more »
Hazeltine creek

The Mount Polley Team: Maintaining a Healthy Environment

February 28, 2020
Mout Polley continues to restore the environment during its current care and maintenance phase. With 14 staff members working at the Mount Polley site, as well as several contractors, the remediation team at Mount Polley co… Read more »
Mount Polley Remediation

Mount Polley Remediation Story

January 15, 2020
This is the story of Mount Polley Remedition – from tailings spill to environmental recovery Katie: “My name is Katie McMahen. I was born and raised here in Williams Lake and I was a member of the environmental team here at Mount… Read more »
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First Nations partners in Mount Polley remediation efforts

January 15, 2020
The Mount Polley remediation efforts have been underway for years. These efforts have benefited tremendously from the hard work of Mount Polley staff, Mount Polley’s First Nations partners, and local contractors and consultant… Read more »
Mount Polley environmental team member surveys remediated sites

Mount Polley recovery and remediation adds perspective

January 15, 2020
A lot has been written about the Mount Polley spill of 2014, though not so much about the remediation efforts which have been quietly underway for years to great effect. Mount Polley recovery and remediation continues. So far, over $70 mill… Read more »
Fishing on Polley lake

Mount Polley recovery receives widespread praise

January 14, 2020
Mount Polley’s remediation efforts have set a high standard in the industry as the company has taken a tailings spill and turned it into environmental recovery. Mount Polley’s efforts have been praised and labeled ‘s… Read more »